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At the end of March, I studied at the Leela. The Game of Life. There are no words to describe the flows into which Irina gently immerses in the learning process. So I am writing at this time and I understand that she is a source from which information generously flows, and it depends on your capacity))) how much you can take for yourself. And this is great! To me the game, as they say, “I went for it”))). She perfectly fit all the knowledge that I had by that time, but did not stop there))). During my studies I was not just learning, but my transformation was going on and is going on now. And as I understand it now, this is an ongoing process, if you are with Leela. The Game of Life. My feelings now: I am satisfied, because this game is the tool that I was looking for. I am grateful to my teachers who recommended this version of Leela to me. I am grateful and passionate about Irina herself and her work. I am happy that I help people to know themselves through the space of this magical and lively game. I relish when I play the game (or she leads me …).
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